Entries by admin

Awareness Through Movement® – A Truly Slow Movement

S-L-O-W…. slow food, slow money, slow parenting, slow travel, slow art and slow body movements are just a few examples of a new trend which Wikipedia defines as a cultural shift toward slowing down life’s pace. Our current life style is hurried, busy, with lots to do.  Our advances in technology continue to speed us […]

Moving Out of Pain – The Feldenkrais Way

We all experience physical aches and pains at some time or another.  Some of these are acute (from an injury or accident), while others may stay with us or develop over time (chronic). If you’re like many others, you may have had the experience that your physical pain is aggravated by movement—which is accurate:  Our […]

Feldenkrais: The Power of Movement

The Feldenkrais Method® is unusual, unusually deep, subtle, and powerful.   It’s a revolutionary approach to understanding how we function both physically and mentally, as well as providing tools for our improvement. So for example, if you are someone who experiences pain and have been told to exercise it is a step but it may not […]